Disclosure: This post is about Tryazon and Orb and the products I received were free for my Review my review is 💯mine. #tryazon #OrbSlimeTime I had the pleasure hosting the Orb Slime Time Party for free through Tryazon. For those who are not familiar with Tryazon they are a Home Party site who sends free products for you to host and keep afterwards . Really easy to join they open their applications long before they select hosts, and they have high quality products for more information check out their site. https://www.tryazon.com This party pack came to us from Orb! A company that creates educational and tactical products. The day my family received The package in the mail was like Christmas for them they were so excited to play with the Elasti Plasti and Brain Putti I was excited to try out the HyperSlimer, but we had no idea how much fun it would be. The party pack came with 1 set of Hyper Slimer 1set of Brain Putti 1set of ElastiPlasti ...